Will an apple a day keep the vet away…or earn you a hefty vet bill?

Apples are a healthy snack for humans, but are the cores good for dogs? What’s safe for them to eat and what should they avoid?
Apple cores are not a great idea to share with your dog – please skip them!
In this blog post, we’ll explore the safety of dogs eating apple cores and answer some common questions about all parts of your favorite fruit, including the cores…and more specifically, the seeds. Let’s explore.
This post was reviewed for veterinary accuracy by Cara Wright, DVM. For more information about our review process, please visit the About Us page. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for professional veterinary help.
Can dogs eat apples?
So, can dogs eat apples, the cores, or the skin? The answer depends.
First, let’s take a look at the nutritional value of an apple. Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamins A and C, and potassium (1).
They also contain phytonutrients which can help to protect cells from damage.
Slices of apples or applesauce can be a tasty and healthy treat for your pooch. So whether you prefer Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, or Winesap apples, know that they’re a safe and healthy treat in moderation.
Dog food is specially formulated to have all of the nutrients that a dog needs. So, if your dog were to eat a large number of apples, they might not have the appetite to eat their regularly scheduled kibble for breakfast or dinner and then would miss out on their essential nutrients.
An apple can provide diversity and something new; it just shouldn’t replace their regular meals.
Just like people, some dogs like fruits for a snack, and others don’t.
But after you and Fido enjoy an apple for an afternoon treat, can you share the core with them? Unfortunately not. There are two risks to your dog having an apple core.
Can dogs eat apple cores?
There are two concerns about feeding your dog an apple core: the seeds contain cyanide and the core can potentially be a choking hazard.
Are apple seeds bad for dogs?
If your dog eats a lot of apple seeds, it may be a problem.
The apple seeds contain amygdalin, a compound that can release cyanide. Cyanide is poisonous to humans and animals so it’s important not to let your dog eat the seeds (2).
The good news is that it would take a lot of apple seeds for your dog to get sick since they’d have to chew them up first and then ingest many in order to reach a toxic level. But to be safe, we don’t recommend making a habit of giving your dog apple cores.
Are cores bad for dogs?
Nutritionally, apple cores are the same as the rest of the fruit. But because of the tougher texture of an apple core, they can be a choking hazard. Cores can also cause intestinal blockage if not chewed thoroughly.
So, even if you remove all of the seeds from your apple core, you may still want to skip the apple core as a snack or treat for your dog.
What about apple skin?
Can dogs eat apple skin?
Apple skin is also safe for your dog to eat – just make sure that there aren’t any stickers.
So whether your dog enjoys an apple slice or two with the skin, or you like to peel your apples and give your dog a ribbon of apple skin, it is safe, healthy, and a source of fiber for them.
Or apple sauce?
Can dogs eat applesauce? Yes!
Again – we recommend this as a treat once in a while, not a daily large snack that might displace their regular kibble. Applesauce doesn’t have seeds in it, so your dog is not at risk of getting arsenic poisoning.
Just like for people, no-sugar-added applesauce is preferred.
What if they ate an apple core by accident?
What if you accidentally dropped an apple core and your dog zipped over light lightning and ate it?
Unless your dog is choking, you don’t need to worry.
Yes, the seeds do contain a tiny amount of cyanide. However, your dog would have to eat many seeds (or many apple cores) at once or consume apple cores regularly in order to have a toxic amount of cyanide.
Your dog eating the occasional apple core (and a few apple seeds) is okay.
A Final Word from Your Dog Eats
If your dog sneaks an apple core and ingests a few seeds, they are at little risk of harm.
However, if you were to feed your dog apple cores on a regular basis, the risk of choking and blockages would go up. So, we recommend sticking to other dog-safe fruits and vegetables as treats. Toss that apple core in the trash (or compost, if you prefer!).
And if you’re ever unsure about what your dog can eat, please reach out to your vet.